THE MIGHTY URSUS in HD on Amazon Prime Canada…

Amazon Prime Canada movie selection is terrible, certainly in regards to PEPLUM movies. Here’s what’s available when searching ‘HERCULES’

Not much. Well, there is the French version of THE MIGHTY URSUS, called LA FUREUR D’HERCULE (1961) starring Ed Fury. So I watched it and it says at the bottom of the movie it’s in HD.

Taking screenshots of Amazon Prime from my computer is impossible. The screen is black or blank. So. I took a photo of the images with my iPhone.

The photo is fuzzy because the motion of the movie but I have to say that the quality of the image itself is pretty good. Not perfect but better than anything out there. It resembles the German DVD but at a higher resolution and less cropping on the sides.  The opening credits are in German but the movie itself is in French.  Anyway, it’s a nice surprise. Runtime: 1 hour 31 minutes.

2 thoughts on “THE MIGHTY URSUS in HD on Amazon Prime Canada…”

  1. I found a beautiful HD widescreen print of Steve Reeves’ The Slave on youtube, Italian audio only. It beats the Warner Archives dvd that I have hands down. I think it’s wider too. Watch it on your flatscreen. It’s stunning!
    Still looking for an HD print of Hercules Conquers Atlantis. That Film Detective effort was total garbage, and it was the shorter american version. I’ve heard it was in mp2 format instead of mp4 as well.

    1. Thanks, Joe

      Yes this print is much better than the Warner Archives one, which was too dark and generally poor. This new print is spectacular. The Film Detective release of HERCULES AND THE CAPTIVE WOMEN is terrible. The genre has no respect.

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