Someone told me about a new Blu-ray of HERCULES UNCHAINED available in Spain (it’s actually not new…it was released one year ago but never heard of it). And yes it is available. It’s not a hoax. I haven’t heard anything about it and my expectations are pretty low (I expect it to be the same as the Japanese BD) but I bought it anyways. I will have a review of it once I get my hands on it.


Update on the HERCULES / HERCULES UNCHAINED Artus Films Blu-rays…

It seems that Artus Films got a hold of better prints than the first time they tried to get HERCULES (1958) and HERCULES UNCHAINED (1959) released a couple of years ago. These prints are from the UK. So a French distributor will release Blu-rays of these films in French and not English from prints from the British Film Institute?

Here’s a screenshot of the information at a movies forum.

New to the collection!

At the beginning of November, I went on a break!  The first on this break my main computer crashed. I’m still in the process of recuperating everything from it. It’s going to take some time. Just before my computer crashed, I received a new batch of title I bought at Amazon.de. I’m very happy with it even though there’s always some confusion in regards to the differences of these German Blu-rays. They have multiple versions of the same titles, some with a ‘mediabook’ and some without, with different prices. It’s sometimes hard to figure what is what.

Fortunately, all my movies are stored in external hard drives and nothing was lost. But with the main computer down, and only working with old laptops, finishing BY THE GODS magazine was delayed, yet again. This is just an update to say that new posts will comes in the future but for now I’m still in recovery process.

Updates on two things!

First thing: I bought a lot of Blu-rays and DVDs from Amazon.de and expected them a few weeks ago but everything has been delayed. I bought them in early October and I’m supposed to receive them one month later, November 6 (if things go according to plan). I’m not happy about this. It’s one of the reasons for the lack of posts here at BY THE GODS!

Second thing: BY THE GODS! magazine. There’s a slight delay. It’s nearly completed but personal stuff kept me away from completed earlier. It will be available most likely in early November.

New films added to my collection!

I usually post about movies released on DVD or Blu-ray here at BY THE GODS! but recently I got a bunch of titles missing from my collection and I’m really happy about it. Two of these titles have been eluding me for over a decade.

THE APOCALYPSE or L’apocalisse, released in 1947. It stars Massimo Serato (above), who’s excellent in it. The copies are less than perfect but the movie is so good it didn’t matter. I’ll have a full review of this in the soon to be published BY THE GODS! magazine.

Another hard to get title is JACOB AND ESAU (1963). Nothing about this movie since I began working on my blog and Youtube channel. I even wrote about it here. Now I got two copies. They are in black and white even if the movie was originally shot in colour. It was the one Ken Clark (above) movie that eluded me. I hope to get this one in colour one day.

The other titles are THE PHARAOHS’ WOMAN (1960), in widescreen. It stars Linda Cristal (above), Pierre Brice, John Drew Barrymore and Armando Francioli (above), who gives an excellent performance. The copy is still battered and old but the colours are better than the previous version and it’s in widescreen. Great film!

And A SWORD IN THE SHADOWS (1961) tarring Germano Longo in what might be one of the best villains in PEPLUM history. It also stars Mario Valdemarin. A nice widescreen print in Italian.

I’ll be getting additional titles soon. Stay tuned!