New to the collection!

At the beginning of November, I went on a break!  The first on this break my main computer crashed. I’m still in the process of recuperating everything from it. It’s going to take some time. Just before my computer crashed, I received a new batch of title I bought at I’m very happy with it even though there’s always some confusion in regards to the differences of these German Blu-rays. They have multiple versions of the same titles, some with a ‘mediabook’ and some without, with different prices. It’s sometimes hard to figure what is what.

Fortunately, all my movies are stored in external hard drives and nothing was lost. But with the main computer down, and only working with old laptops, finishing BY THE GODS magazine was delayed, yet again. This is just an update to say that new posts will comes in the future but for now I’m still in recovery process.

2 thoughts on “New to the collection!”

  1. I order my titles from Grooves Land because their international shipping is virtually nothing with most of their titles. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried them but they’re at on the internet. I received LAND OF THE MONSTERS and the mediabook of 79 AD by Black Friday the 29th once they were dispatched on Nov. 14, which is pretty good for overseas shipping during the holidays.
    LAND OF THE MONSTERS has German, Italian and English dubs and looks pretty good given the source prints. 79 AD is just in German and Italian but looks absolutely fantastic, and the booklet is nicely illustrated.

    1. I’ll look into Grooves Land. The one good thing about Amazon is I don’t pay duties.

      Yes, the 79 AD print is beautiful.

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